adonis golden ratio / adonis golden ratio - goal of both burning fat and building muscle

adonis golden ratio  / adonis golden ratio  -  goal of both burning fat and building muscle

adonis golden ratio    :

OK, So What Is It?
The Adonis Golden Ratio is a 12 week system which is divided into three 4-week cycles. It is based on the scientific fact that we are designed to find a certain shape of body far more attractive. That’s the Golden Ratio.
This fully adaptable training program can be applied no matter what your age or current workout plan. This is because it will take your personal DNA, and therefore body type, into account.
By doing this it allows you to tailor your workout and nutritional program to burn fat for energy, and build lean muscle mass at the fastest possible rate.
What’s This Golden Ratio Thing All About?
You know those first impressions you get of people? This is a big part of it.
When men achieve this shape (and anyone can, because it’s about proportion, not ‘big’) it commands a higher level of attraction from women and more respect from men! And it all happens within the first 4 seconds of meeting someone without them ever knowing why.
But it’s even more than that. Because when your body has this this perfect shoulder to waist ratio, it becomes easier to shift fat, build muscle and perform better. Your body achieves kind of a natural form that nature intended.
So the Adonis Golden Ratio training program concentrates on showing you how to quickly get and then keep this ‘golden ratio’.
And it does this by taking into account that there are many different body types. The systems flexibility allows you to tailor a training program which is not ‘for everyone’, but specifically for you.

adonis golden ratio    :

What Do You Get?
When you buy Adonis Golden Ratio you will receive a fully downloadable workout program. Which means you can download the complete 12 week system instantly. Which is cool, no waiting for shipping!
Inside you will find detailed information on what types of exercise you should be doing, and just as importantly the exercises you should AVOID. Those dead lifts and weighted abdominal crunches you’ve been doing – bad idea says John, and he’ll show you why.
There are 78 advanced video lessons in total making up the training and fitness guide. These clearly explain how to perfect your techniques, so you get maximum benefits from each workout session you complete.

adonis golden ratio    :

In Conclusion
OK, so is it any good and worth buying?
This really is a comprehensive system that does only take 12 weeks. (Just take a look at some of the before and after photos on their website below)
It helps you to quickly understand your body’s genetic makeup. And once this is understood, you can then set goals for yourself. It gives world class expert advice on nutrition and supplementation, which many other programs overlook or simply get wrong.
And it all comes in an instant download form that you can access immediately. At a price that I can only really describe as a bit of a bargain (less than the price of a fitness magazine subscription — which is full of confusion and adverts!).
So if you’ve ever found your workouts failing to achieve what you think they should, this is for you. Or if you haven’t even started yet, but don’t want to be looking back in a couple of years wondering why all that effort didn’t work nearly as well the trainer said it would, start with a system based on real science.

adonis golden ratio    :

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Từ khoa nghien cưu:
burning fat
 building muscle

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